Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Summer is almost over. I've wasted most of it too. Too much time on Facebook. Too many late evening naps. Not enough "me" time. September marks the beginning of the holiday season for most retail outlets, including mine. Holidays mean big $$$ in my area of the store...which also translates into bigger headaches, more tiredness, and stressful nights.

I haven't started that short story yet. We'll see.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A step in the right direction...

So I decided that I am going to enter a short story contest which is sponsored by Writer's Digest magazine. The deadline isn't until December, so I have plenty of time to bang out something in 3,000 words or less. The winner will be published in the June/July 2010 issue. And you can win a couple grand...couldn't hurt to try!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Time is not on my side

The past two months have been a blur. I have a second job now (part-time), I have been promoted to a newer, more fun position at my full-time job, and my daughter and my husband keep me on my toes to the hilt. I haven't done much as far as writing goes (can ya blame me?), although I did do a quick two-page rehash the other day while I was at Job #1 (things were really slow and I was the only one in my area of the store). I have this whole story-thing planned out nicely in my head; all I have to do now is get it down on paper. We recently cancelled our digital cable (go basic!) television channels, so I'll now have more time to do other things. Hopefully, that will include writing.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yeah, yeah, I know...

I'm horrible at this shit. I'm lazy. I do other stuff instead of blogging. Oh well!

I had a great "first line" the other night and I literally dropped everything I was doing just so I could write it down. Maybe it's the start of something good...