Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'd like to thank...

I won this lovely blog award today, bestowed upon me by Darcie over at Mommy on the Edge. I'm supposed to give this award to other bloggers as well, but aside from hers, I don't read a lot of blogs (I'm disqualifying the Myspace blogs, most users have private profiles and you can't read them anonymously), so I will check out some later on and make my selections at that time.

I am feeling better today. Yesterday was horrible. You know how some days you realize you've been staring at the TV with no recollection of the last hour, or attempt to play a simple hand of solitaire and not understand why your 8 of spades won't go on top of the 3 of hearts? That was me. All day long. I don't get sick often, but when I do, I do it in style. I still have 4 full days of vacation left, so I don't consider it totally wasted.

I spent a good portion of today thinking of the physicalities of my characters and I decided it will be easier to write about them if I knew what they looked like. I think I may have found something:

I know it's just Paul Walker & Mila Kunis, but they represent what I want my people to look like. And it definitely helps that they are both pretty hot, agreed?

UPDATE: Ok, here's a blog I think is award-worthy: Disenchanted Forest

Her blogs crack me up, and yet I totally get it.

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